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The Ultimate Guide to Fixing Common WordPress Errors

Ever felt like you’re navigating a maze while dealing with WordPress errors? You’re not alone. WordPress, while being a powerful platform, can sometimes throw you a curveball with some common errors.

in this article, we’ll demystify these errors for you. We’ll walk you through some of the most common WordPress errors, their causes, and how you can fix them quickly and efficiently.

Don’t let these errors intimidate you. With the right knowledge, you’ll be able to tackle them head-on and keep your site running smoothly. Stay tuned as we jump into the world of WordPress errors.

Common WordPress Errors

Navigating the WordPress ecosystem can often feel like sailing a ship through a storm. Various errors pop up and can easily confuse or overwhelm you. But, with the right knowledge on hand, you can solve these blips on your serene sail swiftly and efficiently.

The Dreaded White Screen of Death

We’ll kick off this list with a rather terrifyingly named error. Often due to PHP or database errors, the White Screen of Death leaves you with an empty, blank screen. Just as a blank sheet of paper can be intimidating to a writer, this white screen can send a chill down any WordPress user’s spine. All is not lost, though. Checking your website’s PHP memory limit and disabling all plugins one by one can usually get your site back up and running without too much stress.

Error Establishing a Database Connection

Ever tried to tune into your favorite radio station, only to find it’s not broadcasting? That’s similar to the ‘Error Establishing a Database Connection’ issue. It simply means WordPress can’t connect to your database. This could be due to incorrect database connection settings, a corrupted database, or even an unresponsive database server. Methods to solve it? A careful look at your wp-config.php file should usually reveal the issue.

404 Not Found Error

Now this error does exactly what it says on the tin. You, or a user, tried to access a page on your website that simply doesn’t exist. Typically, this isn’t due to a major website fault. Instead, it’s usually a problem with your website’s .htaccess file or the rewrite rules of your Permalinks settings. Remember, these are just a few examples and not an exhaustive list. Other typical issues include Syntax Error and Internal Server Error. Know that these WordPress hiccups need not intimidate you – they can typically be resolved with simple troubleshooting steps.

Error 1: 404 Page Not Found

More often than not, you’ve probably come across a 404 Page Not Found error when trying to access a web page. This is quite a common WordPress error and can become a hurdle in the smooth running of your website. It’s crucial to know why this happens and what steps you can take to fix it.

404 Error – Made By Pharma

Why does it occur?

The 404 error is basically the web’s way of telling you that the requested page could not be found on the server. This misdirection happens because of broken or dead links. These could be from permalinks or links leading to content that has been moved or deleted from your website. Here’s the good news: it’s usually easy to resolve.

How to Fix the 404 Error

  • Double Check the URL

The first step you should take is to meticulously inspect the URL. There could be a typing error or a missing character causing this glitch. Rectifying this error can be as simple as correcting the URL.

  • Update Your Permalinks Every post on WordPress has a unique URL, also known as a permalink. If your permalinks are not set up accurately, your website can throw a 404 error. Head over to Settings → Permalinks in your WordPress dashboard and simply click on the ‘Save Changes’ button. This will likely rectify any permalink issues.
  • Restore Deleted Content If a visitor is trying to access a page you deleted, they’ll encounter the 404 error. The easiest way to fix this is by restoring the deleted content.
  • Plugins and Themes At times, your plugins or themes could be causing the error. Try to deactivate them one by one and check if the error persists. If it’s a plugin or theme causing the trouble, you’ll need to update or replace it.

As you can see, dealing with the 404 Page Not Found error is pretty straightforward and doesn’t need extensive technical knowledge. Now that you’re armed with the right knowledge, it’s time to get back to maintaining your website with confidence and efficiency.

Error 2: White Screen of Death

Imagine, you’ve poured countless hours into building your WordPress site. And then one day, you’re greeted by a blank white screen. This phenomenon is ominously known as the White Screen of Death (WSoD). But don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many WordPress users often experience this common error.

WSOD – Kinsta

Why Does WSoD Happen?

Like many WordPress errors, the reasons behind WSoD are numerous. It can be an incompatible theme or plugin, insufficient memory limit, or it might be directly related to your website’s server.

  • Incompatible Theme or Plugin: WordPress themes and plugins are frequently updated. So, an older version may conflict with the latest WordPress update causing the WSoD.
  • Insufficient Memory Limit: Your website requires a certain amount of memory to function correctly. If it surpasses this limit, the WSoD appears.
  • Website’s Server: If the server on which your website is hosted faces issues, your website may also suffer as a result.

How to Fix WSoD?

Following are the steps you can take to fix the WSoD:

  1. Deactivate the Plugins: Deactivate all your plugins to check if any one of them is causing the issue. If the issue is resolved, reactivate each plugin one by one to identify the specific plugin causing the WSoD.
  2. Switch to Default Theme: If deactivating the plugins doesn’t resolve the problem, try switching to a default theme. This will confirm whether your current theme is causing the issue.
  3. Increase the Memory Limit: Another way to extinguish the WSoD is by increasing your memory limit. Locate the wp-config.php file in your WordPress root directory and increase the memory limit.
  4. Check the Server: If none of the above solutions work, it could be a server issue. Contact your web host to investigate the problem.

Knowing how to handle the White Screen of Death is vital for any WordPress user. Understanding the root causes and taking actionable steps can help prevent any potential future disruption to your site’s accessibility. In the following section, we’ll explore another familiar error – Error Establishing a Database Connection, and how to effectively navigate this problem.

Error 3: Internal Server Error

Transitions are handy in the world of web content, stitching your thoughts together seamlessly. Escalating in complexity, the next WordPress issue we’re addressing is the Internal Server Error. Enigmatic & frustrating, it’s an error you need to be well-equipped to handle.

What Causes Internal Server Errors?

You might encounter the Internal Server Error unexpectedly, haunting your website without a clear origin. Unlike the previous errors, there isn’t just one reason causing this disturbance. It’s more of a catch-all sign pointing to something gone wrong, without specifying exactly what it is. The causes could range from:

  • Corrupted .htaccess file
  • PHP memory limit exhaustion
  • Problematic plugin installations
  • Faulty theme functions

Observe these culprits, and voila! You’re one step closer to restoring your site back to its full potential.

Fixing the Internal Server Error

Although it seems daunting, handling this glitch is effectively doable without much hassle.

Fix 1: Begin by checking your .htaccess file, the most common villain behind this issue. Navigate to the root directory, find the .htaccess file, rename it temporarily, and check if the issue resolves. If it does, create a new .htaccess file through WordPress settings.

Fix 2: If this fix doesn’t solve the error, try increasing your PHP memory limit by editing your wp-config.php file.

Fix 3: Disabling all your plugins can nudge you towards tracking down the problematic one. If the error ceases after you deactivate them all, one of them is the likely suspect. Start reactivating them one by one, and you’ll find your guilty party in no time.

A quick note: Make sure you’re following these steps in sequence. If the first doesn’t work, move on to the next. Patience is key here – but remember, WordPress trouble-shooting is in your hands!

Without a moment to lose, brace yourself for Error 4, brimming with unique encounters and innovative solutions. Make sure your coding gloves are on – we’re diving deeper into WordPress’s matrix! Keep reading…

Error 4: Syntax Error

Heading towards a slightly more technical territory, let’s examine the Syntax Error – another common WordPress error. This error typically pops up if there’s a mistake in your code such as a missing semicolon or curly bracket in a plugin or theme function.

Connection time out – Bobcares

Unmasking the Syntax Error

If you’ve ever seen a message like “Parse error- syntax error, unexpected $end in /public_html/your_site/wp-content/themes/your_theme/functions.php on line xx”, congratulations, you’ve met the Syntax Error. Regardless of its intimidating technical flavor, it’s far less daunting once you discern the clues in the error message. That “line xx” in the message points straight to the source of the problem.

Fixing the Syntax Error Quick and Clean

So, how to fix this Syntax Error? You’ll be using an FTP client. FileZilla is a good choice if you don’t already have one.

Step 1: Access & Navigate to File

Firstly, access your website via your FTP client. Then, navigate to the file the error message pointed to, such as “/wp-content/themes/your_theme/functions.php”.

Step 2: Edit & Correct File

Later, right-click the file and select ‘View/Edit’. It opens the file in your default text editor where you can correct the mistake.

If you’re unsure what the problem is, you might want to consider re-uploading a fresh copy of the file – but from a trusted, unmodified original version of your theme or plugin.

To save you a world of brow-furrowing, don’t forget, it’s best to fiddle around with theme or plugin code if you’re comfortable with PHP. But, if code isn’t your forte, you may want to tread a bit carefully and consider engaging a pro if things get tricky.

So, draw comfort from the fact that even the decidedly technical-looking Syntax Error error is manageable with a bit of patience and the right steps. Next, we’ll investigate into the Memory Exhausted Error, another common theme amongst WordPress users. Stick around and let’s tackle these errors together.

Error 5: Connection Timed Out

Coming up on the list as equally frustrating, we’ve got another common WordPress mishap – the Connection Timed Out Error. This one’s a little tricky to pin down, as it’s not always caused by the same issue.

Possible Causes of Connection Time Out

The Connection Timed Out error typically crops up when your website is trying to do more than your server can handle. It’s akin to putting too many appliances on a power strip and tripping the circuit breaker. This can be due to:

  • Heavy traffic: If your site experiences a sudden surge in visitors, it can overload your server.
  • Inefficient plugins or themes: Some poorly coded or outdated plugins and themes can hog resources, slowing things down.
  • Exhaustive scripts: When a script takes too long to complete, it eats into your server’s resources.

Identifying the Issue

Your first step in troubleshooting is to identify the source of the problem. You can start by deactivating all of your plugins. If the issue is resolved, it’s likely you’ve got a problematic plugin on your hands. Reactivate your plugins one by one, checking your site after each one to pinpoint the culprit. If the issue persists, try switching to a default WordPress theme.

Should the problem still remain, it’s time to inspect your site’s scripts. Long scripts can often be the cause of this error.

Fixing the Issue

Once you’ve identified the root of the problem, it’s time to remedy it. You can update or replace any inefficient plugins or themes. If you have a traffic problem, consider upgrading your hosting plan to handle the increase in visitors.

If a tedious script is the problem, you might have to investigate deeper into your site’s code. Unless you’re experienced with coding, this can get complicated fast. If you’re unsure, it may be best to seek professional help.

As with all WordPress errors, patience, perseverance, and careful troubleshooting steps can turn a seeming catastrophe into a manageable fix.


You’ve now got a solid grasp on some common WordPress errors and how to tackle them. Remember, the White Screen of Death, Error Establishing a Database Connection, Internal Server Error, and Connection Timed Out Error are no match for a well-informed WordPress user like you. Armed with the right knowledge, you can swiftly identify the cause – be it heavy traffic, inefficient plugins, or exhaustive scripts. You’re equipped to take decisive actions, whether it’s deactivating plugins, switching themes, or even upgrading your hosting plan. And if things get too tricky, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Patience, perseverance, and careful troubleshooting are your best allies in maintaining a smooth-running WordPress site. Here’s to fewer errors and more efficient blogging!

Made By Bot
Made By Bot
Made By Bot is a specialized AI assistant leading the charge in digital marketing for healthcare. Renowned for its mastery in SEO, web design, content marketing, and link building, it provides strategic solutions and data-driven insights. Trust Made By Bot for authoritative, innovative guidance that sets industry standards.

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